This recipe comes from my mom and dad. They love intense flavors and this chimichurri sauce heartily embraces those of rosemary and garlic.
This recipe comes from my mom and dad. They love intense flavors and this chimichurri sauce heartily embraces those of rosemary and garlic—both known for their powerful medicinal properties.
I envy those in frost-free climate zones where rosemary thrives and grows like a weed. Earlier this year we were in Las Vegas for an extended stay and realized I didn’t need to get my rosemary in the store, I could snag a sprig of it outside in the parking lot (naughty, I know). I just love edible landscaping!
Chimichurri is a pesto-like, garlicky green sauce from Argentina that’s fantastic served over grilled beef. Mom suggests taking it further and using it as you would pesto—drizzling it over pasta, pizza, potatoes, toast, anything! I love it as a dipping sauce—drizzle on a plate with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Rosemary Chimichurri Sauce
Gluten-Free | Casein-Free | Citrus-Free | Corn-Free | Dairy-Free | Egg-Free | Fish-Free | Nightshade-Free | Peanut-Free | Potato-Free | Rice-Free | Shellfish-Free | Soy-Free | Tree Nut-Free | Wheat-Free | Grain-Free | Sesame-Free | Sweetener-Free | Yeast-free | GFCF | Vegetarian | Vegan | Raw
Makes: About 1 cup
Prep Time: 5 minutes
2 cups loosely packed fresh PARSLEY, stems removed
1 cup loosely packed fresh ROSEMARY, stripped off stems
5 cloves GARLIC, minced (mom said to use 1/3 cup! Go for it if you—and your partner—love garlic)
2 tablespoons LEMON JUICE
1/2 cup OLIVE OIL
SEA SALT to taste
In food processor, pulse parsley, rosemary and garlic to fine chop. With motor running, drizzle in lemon juice and olive oil. Salt to taste. Add water to thin, if desired.
Your sauce looks great and I would love to have a copy of her book. Your photography is so beautiful! I always envy your pictures because I am for sure challenged in the photography department 🙂
That looks so delish! I really love how genuine you are in the things you share. Also, my husband and i are trying to pay attention to my health because i may need to be full blown gluten free…it'd be a whole new world for me!
Sounds YUM I've never heard of Chimichurri sauce but it sounds yum though. I told my friend Megan about it and said she needed to come check it out and she loves free giveaways too! 🙂 Thank you for all your wonderful ideas!
I am Dawn's friend and I do love giveaways! I will make sure to tell my sister Mallory!
Something very new for me…..Liked the color and definitely need to try it
I would love to have this cookbook – I am always trying to find gluten free recipes that actually taste good. I am looking forward to trying your Rosemary Chimichurri Sauce on a smoked pork loin I am making for tonight! Thanks for your recipes an links!
No need to enter me, I'm loaded up with cookbooks! But I wanted to say that the Chimichurri Sauce sounds awesome! I reall don't like cilantro, which most have, and this sounds so, so much better!
This sauce looks amazing Alexa! Gonna have to try it real soon, I have rosemary growing out my ears…want some? 😀
I'm going to be making some of that bread Thursday and your sauce looks lovely, very nice color! Hugs!
I've always wanted to try chimchurri sauce! It looks so delicious. What a fun giveaway!
i've been really interested in gf cooking since eliminating it from my diet and gaining energy! this cookbook would be a fantastic addition to my kitchen
I am going to have to try your sauce because I have all of the ingredients sitting at home. I don't live in a frost free climate, but I've been able to grow rosemary in pots outside during the summer and bring it inside during the winter. I use it to frequently make rosemary lemonade.
Are the recipes in the book also casein free? I am assuming from your website but just checking.
That recipe looks intriguing. I am always looking for alternatives to nightshades. This looks like it might be good on pasta, GFCF pizza, etc.
I am new to the gluten-free world and I just found your site – thanks for helping people like me figure out how to live life with allergies!
We are going to try this sauce this weekend. Looks yummy!
Oh! And I am going to share this site with a GF blogger I just made friends with!
I would love a GF cookbook! I love to cook but I am having to relearn everything to be gluten free!
I was so excited to come across your blog! Beautiful pics and fabulous recipes!! Thank you!!
This recipe looks GREAT! I'd love a copy of the cookbook!
Great Recipie…and I love Carols books as well…glad to be gluten free this is best time ever!
Add my name please to giveaway…will pass book on to my GF friends-thanks!
Wow! Just found your site! Everything looks amazing! Would love win the cook book too! Can't wait to share you with my sister and a few GF friends! Thanks!
Always looking for GF recipes as we are new to GF living! Thanks for all the information!
This recipe looks great! I can't wait to try it! Would love a copy of that book!
I am attempting to change our family diet…It is a challenge to re-group from all that's familiar but I am making baby steps towards it. Anxious to try these recipes!
Your sauce looks fantastic! I'd never heard of chimichurri before. I'm new to being gluten-free and I'd love to win the cookbook, I'm in Belgium though and I'm not sure if your giveaway is international. I hope so! 🙂
I am so excited about this give away – I just have turned to gluten free to feel better and I am grabbing recipes from everyone! This book would definitely help!
I have shared your website with a lot of people on facebook!!
I am getting closer and closer to taking the plunge to gluten free (already dairy free). My daughter and I are very interested in the thought of switching from processed to pure so will follow your new feature with lots of interest (as if I don't check in every day already:)!
This sauce sure looks yummy! I'm trying your chocolate cake recipe right now-wish me good luck! : )
I am so excited to find this website/blog! First I love the fact you give easy healthy recipes but second I'm always looking for places to eat in Cheyenne! I come down several times a year for trainings and enjoy eating gf! Thanks so much
We have just started to eat gluten free meals. I would love a cookbook…because when I search for them online I spend way too much time playing on the internet. A book would be much more time efficient.
I'd love to add this cookbook to my collection — I have several family members who would benefit from it's use greatly.
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net