If you’re trying to kick sugary juices and drinks to the curb, give this Cool-Aid (not Kool-Aid) a go and let me know what you think.
Thinking about trying a ketogenic diet to lower inflammation, shed pounds, and regain your energy? There are several things to watch out for before you dive in.
What can lessen the drear of a long winter like a piping hot mug of cocoa made with a Dairy Free Instant Hot Chocolate Mix?
I like that this Banana Split Smoothie powers me and the kids up with protein in the morning and that they drink every last drop.
In the book Healing Smoothies, Daniella Chace shares the nifty tip of brewing green tea and freezing it in ice cube trays. She uses these green tea cubes in her smoothies in place of ice. So smart!
Life in this big, beautiful world can get pretty hectic, wearisome and crazy. And when there’s no escape, we turn to stress-reducing habits, good and bad, to help us chill and see us through.
Mother Nature has given Coloradoans the “all clear” to get our gardens in. Yes! Yes! YES! Madly planting on Saturday…
This little recipe is a a goodie—my own version of Mamma Chia, one of the tastiest Chia Fresca beverages on the market.
This morning my husband woke up with the flu. I remembered a line of defense I wanted to try, the Wellness Juice Shot.
Aren’t those the prettiest heirloom cherry tomatoes ya ever did see? Back in January I picked up a Braun…
As the sun rises, the first sounds coming out of my kitchen are the drip, drip of the coffee maker…
Hey, That’s a Great Idea One afternoon last summer I dropped in on my brother and found a load…